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Pulp and Paper Lagoons Problems

It’s been a tough few years for the pulp and paper (P&P) industry. With an increase in foreign competition and a lowered demand for paper, many facilities have had to tighten their belt. One of the most probable victims of these cuts are the wastewater treatment systems. Wastewater needs to be cleaned while sludge continues to build up. What was once full capacity-lagoons ready to handle a lot of wastewater are now full of sludge. With limitations on a budget, land to build more lagoons and time allotted for dredging, the sludge and holding capacity concerns have fallen to the wayside to be dealt with another time.

Maybe that time is now.  Those full lagoons are rearing their ugly heads and maybe you’re realizing that you shouldn’t have ignored that sludge after all. You have no time to build an extra lagoon or dredging may not be a quick enough or a financially viable option.

Enter a third possibility: Bioaugmentation. With the help of hardy Bacillus bacteria, you can treat the incoming sludge as you go, while also reducing your current sludge blanket. With bioaugmentation, you can experience results over time and restore treatment capacity. This buys you time and improves water treatment simultaneously. Pulp and paper sludge is unique and you need the right type of bioaugmentation products that contain the right strains to digest cellulose-based material. Luckily, we’ve got just the product and getting started is easy!

Shoot us a message and we’d be happy to connect you with one of our experienced distribution partners about Biotifx® products. Together we can help you with sludge build-up concerns when there is no time for other options.

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