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The Benefits of MDG’s Microbial Ingredients: A Guide for Distributors

As a manufacturer of industrial and institutional cleaning solutions, you have a lot to think about when creating your product lines. Using components that clean effectively, meet your customers’ needs, and drive your success in the marketplace is important, and microbial ingredients can be a great way to achieve those goals. However, there are a lot of options you can choose from when formulating, including traditionally used chemicals. So why choose microbial ingredients above the rest?

Reason #1: Environmental Friendliness

The bacteria in microbial ingredients work to reduce odors and solids buildup by using organic material and odor-causing compounds that are present in the system as a food source. By taking in nutrients essential for their growth, the bacteria can multiply, increasing treatment effectiveness. Microbial ingredients also work with a system’s native bacteria to mitigate buildup and odor issues. They don’t overtake a system; instead, these ingredients enhance the environment and encourage the growth of beneficial organisms to continue the effects of treatment after the initial application.

Chemical cleaners, however, do not enrich a system’s microbial population like bacterial ingredients do. They sometimes reduce the population of beneficial bacteria as well as the odor-causing bacteria they’re meant to target, which decreases overall microbial community health. Microbial ingredients offer an environmentally friendlier approach by enhancing the system’s native population.


Reason #2: Versatility

Using microbial ingredients in your industrial and institutional cleaning products opens up a world of possibilities when it comes to applications. Our SporActiv® Bacillus ingredients are effective for a variety of uses, including:

  • Odor reduction
  • Stain removal
  • Fats, oils, and grease (FOG) mitigation
  • Waste system treatment

This versatility means that no matter what your customers’ needs are, there’s likely a microbial ingredient to help them solve their problems. And when your customers are successful, you’re successful!


Reason #3: Long Shelf Life

At MDG, we offer our Bacillus-based SporActiv® ingredients in two main forms: liquid and powder. Most of our liquid ingredients have a shelf life of one to two years, and our powder ingredients can have a much longer shelf life. This is due to the spore-forming bacteria used to formulate our ingredients. When the Bacillus are in spore form, they are dormant, meaning they don’t need nutrients or moisture to survive in that state. When they are exposed to an optimal environment for growth, such as a grease trap with excess FOG or a septic system with odor-causing compounds, the Bacillus resume activity.  They begin to take in the nutrients present in their new environment, kickstarting the treatment process.


Choose a Trusted Microbial Solutions Partner

There are many benefits of using microbial ingredients in your products, but to harness the full bioaugmentation power of Bacillus for industrial and institutional cleaning, you need a knowledgeable partner. At MDG, we pride ourselves on being Bacillus experts with formulation guidance, blending and packaging capabilities, and quality technical support. We can help you grow your business and increase sales in your microbial product lines.

Ready to get started? Contact us today and begin your microbial cleaning journey with MDG!

MDG is the Bacillus solution that helps you scale and streamline without sacrificing product effectiveness.

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