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Microbial Discovery Group Kicks Off 2019 with a New Product Line for the Industrial and Institutional Cleaning Market

Microbial Discovery Group (MDG), a leading Bacillus fermentation company, announced their newest product line, SporActiv™, for the industrial and institutional cleaning market. MDG’s SporActiv liquid and powder product line contains safe ingredients that enhance a variety of residential and commercial cleaning needs. Applications include odor control, floor and tile cleaners, carpets, drains, portable restroom cleaning and more.

As the market trends towards environmentally friendly and natural products, biological cleaning solutions will become increasingly prevalent. SporActiv is designed to stay ahead of this trend, bringing a full product line enhanced with both classroom and lab support services. MDG’s customer package includes training materials, lab data, research and more.

 “We wanted to create an offering that made it easy for our partners to do business while both meeting and exceeding cleaning manufacturer’s needs.” said Jenna Trusso, Marketing and Business Development. “In order to do that we knew we had to deliver a powerful cleaning ingredient while providing our partners with the speed and support they’ve been missing.”

Built upon MDG’s extensive Bacillus library, the SporActiv Product Line includes a variety of different concentrations and bacterial counts. SporActiv also features a two-day shipping line, liquid and powder products, and water-soluble packages making it easy to incorporate the benefits of Bacillus into your cleaning program.

“SporActiv delivers on our promise to honor beyond commitment and develop high quality, innovative products backed by sound science and research.” said Sona Son, Director of Research and Development.

For more information on the SporActiv Product Line please visit https://www.mdgbio.com/markets/industrial-institutional/

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