Since the completion of our Oak Creek facility in the fall of 2022, we have steadily grown our capacities and capabilities as a trusted provider of Bacillus-based solutions. We are excited to announce that our growth has given us the opportunity to expand our...
In 2021, our growth journey took a significant leap as we secured an 80,000 ft2 facility in Oak Creek, WI. This expansive space now accommodates our production, blending, packaging, warehouse, three laboratories, and supplementary office areas. In addition, an...
MDG provides critical infrastructure products for the animal feed, human consumption, wastewater, and biotech sectors, and demand for supply continues to push MDG’s previous plans for expansion. Further, as supply channels from overseas competitors have become...
Microbial Discovery Group has broken ground on two new expansion projects in Oak Creek, WI, beginning the first of multiple 2021 capital expansion plans. Completion of the 2021 plan will result in a total investment of $2.7M into the Milwaukee-area. MDG’s business is...
Microbial Discovery Group (MDG) is growing in many ways! We began making plans to expand and increase custom fermentation capacity as we realized the potential for growth. To do so, we needed to relocate office and laboratory space from our original Franklin facility...