We develop Bacillus-based products that bioremediate, and restore soil, sludge, and water contaminated with harmful chemicals. Our solutions significantly enhance and expedite biodegradation from years to weeks.

Interested in Bioremediation?


Revitalizing the Environment

MDG provides solutions that speed up the biodegradation of harmful chemicals. By re-balancing the system with the proper microbial processes, chemical breakdown is reduced from years to weeks. Let us work with you to start cleaning up the world, one site at a time.

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Advanced Microbial Solutions

Our products contain scientifically selected strains for their application. Our multi-strain Bacillus blend is formulated with micronutrients for increased hydrocarbon degradation.

Case Study

Interested in Bioremediation?

By leveraging natural processes to clean up contaminated sites, we provide solutions for the remediation of soils, sludge, and water.


Revitalizing the Environment

MDG provides solutions that speed up the biodegradation of harmful chemicals. By re-balancing the system with the proper microbial processes, chemical breakdown is reduced from years to weeks. Let us work with you to start cleaning up the world, one site at a time.

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Advanced Microbial Solutions

Our products contain scientifically selected strains for their application. Our multi-strain Bacillus blend is formulated with micronutrients for increased hydrocarbon degradation.

Case Study

What Sets Us Apart

Targeted Strain Selection

Our product provides a high concentration of seven different Bacillus strains carefully formulated with essential micronutrients to optimize the bioremediation efficiency of petroleum hydrocarbons.

Lab Support

Our team of microbiologists are knowledgeable about the science of bioremediation. With over 20 microbiologists on staff, we are scaled to meet the needs and support our customers and partners.

Our Vision

At MDG, we are motivated by the challenge of finding sustainable solutions to the world's largest problems. The work we do to create value for our partners is part of the greater impact we are making toward our mission to Feed, Clean, Save The World.

MDG: The Podcast


Industry Reflections


What is bioaugmentation?

At MDG, we continue to discover all the possibilities to treat wastewater with Bacillus. Through years of research and development, we’ve found that bioaugmentation is the answer for wastewater treatment. Bioaugmentation is the process of adding scientifically selected organisms to a microbial community to enhance that community. The term bioaugmentation

Pulp and Paper Lagoons Problems

It’s been a tough few years for the pulp and paper (P&P) industry. With an increase in foreign competition and a lowered demand for paper, many facilities have had to tighten their belt. One of the most probable victims of these cuts are the wastewater treatment systems. Wastewater needs

Supplying Quality: One Strain at a Time

In the large-scale liquid bacterial fermentation world, there are two primary ways to grow bacteria: as individual strains or in combination with others. At Microbial Discovery Group, we grow one strain at a time as it has served us well over the past decade. Truth be told, if I

News and Insights

The Benefits of Liquid Dosing

Many wastewater distributors are faced with finding an efficient product to combat common challenges such as sludge, fats, oils, and grease, and odors. Bacillus-based products have been proven highly effective and reliable to reduce, eliminate, and alleviate these challenges in the wastewater market. Did You Know These Products Come in

FAQs on Bacillus Strains in the I&I Market

1. How do MDG’s Bacillus strains help reduce a variety of organic materials such as debris, decaying food, human and pet waste and FOG? MDG offers Bacillus-based products with different Bacillus strains that have a wide array of capabilities. Bacillus are living organisms and need food to live and multiply. They break down and consume